Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Hey Santa,it's Pixel here!
I am very happy that I can write to you
I was a very, very polite kitty this year. The most beautiful!
And you have to know - oh it wasn't my time this year. Someone threw me on the hightway. I was almost hit by the car, but fortunately someone saved me and I came to the foundation! From that moment I have been learning to live in a temporary home and just wait  to find my people.
Dear SAnta, I would like to ask you to get my own people and a lot of love from them!
However, I know that this is not an easy matter, but from material things, I would like to ask for food for kittens and gravel.
Your loving Pixel

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